"At Sidcot we try to ensure a smooth transition from Fourth Form to Fifth Form. Entering Key Stage 4 is an exciting time but it can be daunting for some. We make sure that students are supported by familiar teaching staff and given plenty of opportunity to talk through the GCSE process. We want our students to feel excited about starting their new studies."
"Whilst in the year group there is plenty to do working towards key examinations and adhering to deadlines, students also get involved with local charities. This gives them a sense of pride and achievement in helping others, and a focus outside their everyday studies. Outside speakers visit the school regularly: listening to a thought provoking talk on homeless, hearing the local police describe their Stand against Violence campaign, or raising money for Macmillan Cancer; these are all part of the average week."
"Many students are involved in the Duke of Edinburgh Award. This non competitive scheme plays a big part in training the students to think for themselves and develops confidence to tackle problems if and when they occur."
"With eight tutors and a Head of Year always around the place, students can feel happy and secure knowing that whenever they need support or just a friendly face they don't have to look very far."
Dave King - Head of Lower Fifth

Matt Jarman - Head of Upper Fifth