PE and Games Curriculum

Our Games programme provides a double lesson every week and aligns our development of the Sidcot Learner with the programme of after school practices and matches we offer throughout the year. The Games programme focuses on practice, development and understanding of the Major Games. We look to have matches against other schools in these games:

Girls: Netball, Hockey, Rounders and Athletics

Boys: Rugby, Football, Cricket and Athletics

Our PE programme looks to develop the skills and abilities of a Sidcot Learner through a range of sports, games and activities such as swimming, badminton, gymnastics as well as non-traditional activities such as free-running, and Ultimate Frisbee.

Students in all years will be required to wear Sidcot-branded PE kit in September. If your child is currently in Year 11 and moving into Year 12, they will continue to wear their Sidcot PE kit next year. Kit is an important part of Sidcot’s identity. It reinforces who we are as a community and allows students to take pride in their appearance as well as allowing students to compete as a team for the School in a variety of matches. Also we have ensured that the PE kit is fit for purpose and allows our students to participate comfortably in all weathers. You can find a helpful guide to Sidcot PE Kit here.


The Curriculum Map for each year group:

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11