S.T.E.M. Engineering Team Challenge Day

On Thursday 1 May a group of Year 8 students were taken to Priory School for the Engineering Team Challenge day. When we arrived we were put into two teams (pink and blue). We completed a picture quiz whilst the other schools were arriving.

The leader, Thea, introduced everyone and told us about the different types of engineering - we were focusing on wind power. She then told us that our task was to design a wind turbine with the use of materials including card, straws and a hub. We had half an hour to complete our design, two hours to manufacture it and one hour to market it; designing a poster about turbines. Our creation was called ‘The Leaning Green Power Machine’! We each took turns to have our work analysed by the judges, who tested our design with a desk fan - the taller the turbine, the higher the setting! They judged us on team work, amount of energy produced, design, quality of marketing material and how good it looked. The blue team (Millie Ashdown, Jacob McGurl, Lucy Slingsby, James King and Alex Higginbottom) had an amazing performance during the judging and produced 850 millivolts. The pink team (Emma Kilpatrick, Pearl Oakwood, Anouska Long, Phoebe Williams and Nina Guy) also performed well in the judging and overall came 3rd. It was a great day enjoyed by all and hopefully we will be able to experience it again!

Pearl Oakwood and Emma Kilpatrick
Year 8 Students