South West Regions Open Water Champion!

Jasmine Moroney took top honours at the Open Water Swimming Championships held at Weymouth on Sunday 29 June. With the water temperature at a chilly 17 degrees, swimmers from across the South West took to the sea for the two-kilometre (equivalent to 80 lengths of the Sidcot pool) National Qualifier Event. Three girls quickly broke away from the main pack. The three of them, Jasmine alongside the Bournemouth and Plymouth swimmers, raced hard for the first kilometre but, as they came out of the second turn at the half way point, Jasmine started to pull away. By the finish line, she had pulled out a four-minute lead over the second placed girl.

Jasmine took gold in a time of 29.39.40 and the honour of being the South West’s Open Water Champion, which automatically qualifies her for the National Open Water Swimming. The championships will be held in August. Well done Jazz!