Careers Afternoon 2023

A huge thank you to everyone who supported Sidcot’s Careers afternoon on 22nd February.  A varied programme of speakers and guests allowed each year group to meet with representatives from the world of work, higher education and apprenticeships – gaining valuable insights into various careers and pathways that could await them in the future.  There was an impressive breath of careers represented from the 39 volunteers they profiled Veterinary Science, Paramedic and Health Careers, Surveying, Property Management, an Olympian, Optician, Product Designers and Entrepreneurs, Engineering, Food, Communications, Architect, Design and more.


Careers Speed Networking with Years 9, 10 and 11

We cannot thank the guests for the careers speed networking enough, they came equipped with the most inspiring arrangement of props, from teas to prosthetics, wigs and gowns, spectacles and pamphlets, posters and food, music awards, models, uniforms and plans, bones, rocks and there was more!  The list is endless, a few of the tools were very well talked about.  We really appreciated the time that local businesses, parents, friends of the school and Sidcotians gave to this event, it was a busy afternoon as they were questioned by many different groups of students moving around in small groups with the bell rung every 6 minutes! – tea, coffee and cake was well deserved as they spent two hours of their valuable time imparting so many insights into their experience and careers.  The students were exposed to over 30 different careers and businesses, we hope this is the beginning of many useful conversations about their interests and ideas.


From PE to Team GB for Years 9 and 10 with Kate Reed 

Kate Reed returned to Sidcot to talk to our Year 10 and 9 as part of our career’s afternoon.  Kate who has always had a love of the outdoors began her running career in Bristol.  She imparted all her journey to the students and how positive her time learning at Sidcot had been.  Her advice and guidance were hugely perceptive and valuable.

Eden Project Enterprise Workshop, Conservation and Team building skills for Year 8

Year 8 had a fantastic project delivered by the Eden Project where they had to design and deliver a sustainable product that could be sold in the Eden Project shop. We were also lucky that we were joined by Sidcotian Matthew Boddy to talk about all thing’s conservation and a quiz.  Matthew is a keen conservationist who is studying at university.  The students also had a lively and engaging team building session run by Mrs Corripio. Where we suspect that more marshmallows were eaten than balanced on the spaghetti!


Year 7 investigates Careers in the NHS

Year 7 were joined by Steve Cosh who kindly gave up his time to share his experience as a paramedic.  By popular demand the next step of their career’s week is the return of the Win Your Height in Easter Eggs competition!  They will consider the 350 careers in the NHS and design a job advert for a chance to win this popular prize.

Year 7 NHS

Year 12’s POST-18 Roadshow

Year 12 are continuing their exploration of options following Sidcot.  We were very fortunate to be joined by Junior Saunders talking about all things Degree Apprenticeship, a fantastic insight into the work of the YMCA from Martin Hodgson and the skills and opportunities that volunteering can gain and finally a University of Sheffield Q&A. 

Over the next few weeks, we will also be covering additional options, a talk from David Hawkins from the University Guy’s on International university options and the breadth of choice out there for our students, a visit to the UCAS Discovery Event where the students are given the chance to meet over 100 Higher Education Providers under one roof, a workshop from University Outreach on how to choose your higher education and more.


Sidcotians Return to give great advice to Year 13

The Year 13’s had the choice of a Transition to University talk from the University of Sheffield or a workshop on recruitment techniques from our partners Future Smart careers.  A huge highlight of our afternoon is the number of Sidcotians who return to talk to our students.  The Sidcotian panel hosted by Iain Kilpatrick is where our visitors share top tips about the future and answer questions from year 13 on their journeys.  It is a wonderful moment to see old scholars inspiring the next generation of Sidcotians on what they have experienced since leaving and their reflections on school life.  We are always delighted to receive the support in what proved to be an informative and amusing session.

Sidcotian Panel