Author visit: Phil Earle

We were delighted to welcome Phil Earle to Sidcot on 5 December. The author of Saving Daisy, Being Billy, Heroic and The Bubble Wrap Boy, Phil spent the day working with classes in the Library. He led creative writing workshops and talked about being a writer. Phil’s latest book The Bubble Wrap Boy has been nominated for the Carnegie award. Being Billy was shortlisted for the Branford Boase award.

Two Year 11 English groups worked on developing dramatic prologues. Students wrote atmospheric pieces in their chosen genre from a prompt based on the prologue in Being Billy. In two sessions with Years 8, 9 and 10 Phil talked about how we are surrounded with potential sources of stories.

“His books are cool.” – Luke Bewley
“I enjoyed when he talked about the care home. It shows
you can turn normal life into stories.”
– Pearl Oakwood.