Parental Engagement Evening Programme – Teaching and Learning at Sidcot

Parental Engagement Evening Programme – Teaching and Learning at Sidcot

Following feedback from parents, our next parental engagement evenings will focus on teaching and learning. We would love to see you at any of the events. All sessions are be suitable for Senior and Junior parents. RSVP to Reception if you would like to attend. For further details about the events please read the information below or contact (Assistant Head – Teaching and Learning). We look forward to seeing you there!

5th February – Homework and study skills – giving a helping hand

If you are interested in coming – please email Reception to confirm attendance. 

In this session we invite you to join a team of subject specialists who will offer tips and support to help your child get the most out of their study time. After a generic study skills talk, where we talk through the latest research on good working habits, we will provide some useful resources. Choose whether to talk to our Junior or Senior School reps who will offer further support and a plenary Q&A session. There will be a particular focus on English and Maths support. 

POSTPONED: 5th March – Introduction to teaching and learning at Sidcot

A general introduction to Sidcot’s approach to learning, our Learning Wheel, the IB and the exciting new careers provision at Sidcot. During the evening there will be time for self-reflection and the opportunity to hear about how the latest educational research is impacting student learning and careers guidance at Sidcot. We hope the evening will also provide a valuable forum in which to share your experiences, thoughts and feedback.  

2nd May – Building resilient learners – exploring mindsets and a shared learning approach

What can you do at home to help your child build resilience? With sticking power and independent learning at the heart of the employability skills agenda, we offer discussion, the latest research, top tips and strategies on what to do at home to help all students develop their potential; those who are extremely motivated as well as reluctant learners, those who lack confidence and those who’d rather play on an iPad!

4th June – Sidcot IT – BYOD and helpful hints

With Sidcot adopting Microsoft’s Surface Pro 4 / 5 for our IT learner platform, we demonstrate some of the applications for learning, how the Pros are used in lessons and offer advice and support with buying the right device for your child. An interactive session for those fully in the know and those who would like to know!

Charlotte Resuggan
Assistant Head – Teaching & Learning