Richard Shepherd

What do you enjoy about being a governor of Sidcot?

The cake selection provided during governor meetings.

What do you do in everyday life?

Formerly a barrister, now a judge.

What’s most important to you about being a governor?

The opportunity to be a critical friend to the School.

What are you curious about?

I’m curious as to how my children manage to transform from clean and tidy to Stig of the Dump in the time it takes to open the front door and leave for school.  Quantum physics must be involved. Schrödinger’s Stig?

What surprises you about Sidcot?

The attention to detail. Before joining the Board I knew Sidcot was highly regarded for its pastoral strengths. But what surprised me was the attention to detail for each child, the investment into each child’s academic potential and performance. Those who are very able are stretched and encouraged to achieve everything they wish, whilst those who need a different approach are given the tools to achieve everything they possibly can. It’s this individualistic approach that really surprised me, one size does not fit all.   

Do you think you would enjoy being a student at Sidcot? And if so, why?

Undoubtedly. As a lover of sport, the opportunities Sidcot kids have to play sport and exercise for fun, and to compete at a high level if they wish, is fantastic. Having all the sports fields and facilities on site rather than having to bus around is a real privilege for the Sidcot students. As a boy I’d have loved the chance to horse ride one day, fence on another, do a quick triathlon at the weekend, before going swimming in the spangly heated indoor pool. It’s very different to my schooling in Yorkshire.

What does Quakerism mean to you?

Personally, I’m atheist but the Quaker values resonate. To me, Quakerism means treading lightly, moving through life conscious of the impact we have, both positive and negative.

What's the best piece of advice you've ever been given?

“Make sure you tie that knot before using the back garden zip line you’ve just rigged up”. It was great advice, just a pity I didn’t heed it.

If you had one word to sum up Sidcot, what would it be?
